Pblogisticsllc.com https://pblogisticsllc.com/ My WordPress Blog Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:11:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Importers achieve cost savings through the First Sale rule shows no signs of the set of tariffs https://pblogisticsllc.com/importers-achieve-cost-savings-through-the-first-sale-rule-shows-no-signs-of-the-set-of-tariffs/ https://pblogisticsllc.com/importers-achieve-cost-savings-through-the-first-sale-rule-shows-no-signs-of-the-set-of-tariffs/#comments Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:11:46 +0000 https://demo.cmssuperheroes.com/themeforest/primous/?p=142 The trade war currently ensuing between the US and several nations around the globe, fiercely with China, shows no signs of the first set of tariffs levied against solar If you know of... anyone looking for a bigger opportunity These are the people who actually move your goods from A to B

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For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize the compounded impact of increased tariffs. The First Sale Rule allows importers to use the price paid in the first, or earlier sale, as the basis for customs duty to be paid. Many importers purchase at the second sale, from a middleman vendor who serves as the go-between from the manufacturer to the importer.
This second sale is a marked up price. Paying duties on a lesser, first sale price, presents a tremendous savings opportunity, especially for the textiles and footwear industry, where apparel and sneakers are subject to higher duty rates.

To get started with, and execute, the First Sale rule, an importer must ensure all the proper checks and proof are in place for Customs approval. Implementation requires adherence to the stringent guidelines laid out by Customs, as well as a certainty and trust with the direct manufacturer, who will ultimately be revealing their manufactured cost. Playing a heavy role in implementation is sound documentation of the bona fide sale, which is enabled through verifiable electronic communications of sales contracts, purchase orders, shipping contracts, payments, and/or proofs of purchase. It is imperative to have full tracing and tracking proof of the purchase order placed directly with the First Sale manufacturer and proof that the product is destined for exportation, with supporting documents.
The First Sale initiation process can appear daunting, yet having a verified global trade compliance partner in place and the proper technical and legal infrastructure established, the practice opens an opportunity of significant savings for the importers who choose to take the path.

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Cargo flow through better supply chain visibility, control. https://pblogisticsllc.com/cargo-flow-through-better-supply-chain-visibility-control/ https://pblogisticsllc.com/cargo-flow-through-better-supply-chain-visibility-control/#respond Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:10:59 +0000 https://demo.cmssuperheroes.com/themeforest/primous/?p=140 These are the people who actually move your goods from A to B. They may be small and only carry domestic freight, or they may be and offer international and global shipments Advances in technology are a constant within the logistics industry.

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For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize the compounded impact of increased tariffs. The First Sale Rule allows importers to use the price paid in the first, or earlier sale, as the basis for customs duty to be paid. Many importers purchase at the second sale, from a middleman vendor who serves as the go-between from the manufacturer to the importer.
This second sale is a marked up price. Paying duties on a lesser, first sale price, presents a tremendous savings opportunity, especially for the textiles and footwear industry, where apparel and sneakers are subject to higher duty rates.

To get started with, and execute, the First Sale rule, an importer must ensure all the proper checks and proof are in place for Customs approval. Implementation requires adherence to the stringent guidelines laid out by Customs, as well as a certainty and trust with the direct manufacturer, who will ultimately be revealing their manufactured cost. Playing a heavy role in implementation is sound documentation of the bona fide sale, which is enabled through verifiable electronic communications of sales contracts, purchase orders, shipping contracts, payments, and/or proofs of purchase. It is imperative to have full tracing and tracking proof of the purchase order placed directly with the First Sale manufacturer and proof that the product is destined for exportation, with supporting documents.
The First Sale initiation process can appear daunting, yet having a verified global trade compliance partner in place and the proper technical and legal infrastructure established, the practice opens an opportunity of significant savings for the importers who choose to take the path.

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Importance of specialized focus in Projects, Oil & Gas Logistic https://pblogisticsllc.com/importance-of-specialized-focus-in-projects-oil-gas-logistic/ https://pblogisticsllc.com/importance-of-specialized-focus-in-projects-oil-gas-logistic/#respond Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:09:27 +0000 https://demo.cmssuperheroes.com/themeforest/primous/?p=138 Advances in technology are a constant within the logistics industry. Amazon’s plans to use drones for short haul (15 miles) deliveries have been well publicized, but what other With the goal to improve the social conditions of truck drivers in the road transportation

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For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize the compounded impact of increased tariffs. The First Sale Rule allows importers to use the price paid in the first, or earlier sale, as the basis for customs duty to be paid. Many importers purchase at the second sale, from a middleman vendor who serves as the go-between from the manufacturer to the importer.
This second sale is a marked up price. Paying duties on a lesser, first sale price, presents a tremendous savings opportunity, especially for the textiles and footwear industry, where apparel and sneakers are subject to higher duty rates.

To get started with, and execute, the First Sale rule, an importer must ensure all the proper checks and proof are in place for Customs approval. Implementation requires adherence to the stringent guidelines laid out by Customs, as well as a certainty and trust with the direct manufacturer, who will ultimately be revealing their manufactured cost. Playing a heavy role in implementation is sound documentation of the bona fide sale, which is enabled through verifiable electronic communications of sales contracts, purchase orders, shipping contracts, payments, and/or proofs of purchase. It is imperative to have full tracing and tracking proof of the purchase order placed directly with the First Sale manufacturer and proof that the product is destined for exportation, with supporting documents.
The First Sale initiation process can appear daunting, yet having a verified global trade compliance partner in place and the proper technical and legal infrastructure established, the practice opens an opportunity of significant savings for the importers who choose to take the path.

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Changes to our Trade Credit Policy and Procedures of Company https://pblogisticsllc.com/changes-to-our-trade-credit-policy-and-procedures-of-company/ https://pblogisticsllc.com/changes-to-our-trade-credit-policy-and-procedures-of-company/#respond Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:07:41 +0000 https://demo.cmssuperheroes.com/themeforest/primous/?p=136 With the goal to improve the social conditions of truck drivers in the road transportation and logistics sector across Europe, has joined forces with 11 other leading European... companies under the ‘Responsible Trucking’ Collaborative Platform facilitated by CSR Europe.

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For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize the compounded impact of increased tariffs. The First Sale Rule allows importers to use the price paid in the first, or earlier sale, as the basis for customs duty to be paid. Many importers purchase at the second sale, from a middleman vendor who serves as the go-between from the manufacturer to the importer.
This second sale is a marked up price. Paying duties on a lesser, first sale price, presents a tremendous savings opportunity, especially for the textiles and footwear industry, where apparel and sneakers are subject to higher duty rates.

To get started with, and execute, the First Sale rule, an importer must ensure all the proper checks and proof are in place for Customs approval. Implementation requires adherence to the stringent guidelines laid out by Customs, as well as a certainty and trust with the direct manufacturer, who will ultimately be revealing their manufactured cost. Playing a heavy role in implementation is sound documentation of the bona fide sale, which is enabled through verifiable electronic communications of sales contracts, purchase orders, shipping contracts, payments, and/or proofs of purchase. It is imperative to have full tracing and tracking proof of the purchase order placed directly with the First Sale manufacturer and proof that the product is destined for exportation, with supporting documents.
The First Sale initiation process can appear daunting, yet having a verified global trade compliance partner in place and the proper technical and legal infrastructure established, the practice opens an opportunity of significant savings for the importers who choose to take the path.

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New Additions to our great Metro trucks Fleet in the next month https://pblogisticsllc.com/new-additions-to-our-great-metro-trucks-fleet-in-the-next-month/ https://pblogisticsllc.com/new-additions-to-our-great-metro-trucks-fleet-in-the-next-month/#respond Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:05:57 +0000 https://demo.cmssuperheroes.com/themeforest/primous/?p=134 The participants of the platforms include some our key customers along with global suppliers like Logistics. As founding members of this platform, they are actively contributing Customers are increasingly demanding more supply chain transparency on ESG issues to allow better traceability and control for risk mitigation.

The post New Additions to our great Metro trucks Fleet in the next month appeared first on Pblogisticsllc.com.

For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize the compounded impact of increased tariffs. The First Sale Rule allows importers to use the price paid in the first, or earlier sale, as the basis for customs duty to be paid. Many importers purchase at the second sale, from a middleman vendor who serves as the go-between from the manufacturer to the importer.
This second sale is a marked up price. Paying duties on a lesser, first sale price, presents a tremendous savings opportunity, especially for the textiles and footwear industry, where apparel and sneakers are subject to higher duty rates.

To get started with, and execute, the First Sale rule, an importer must ensure all the proper checks and proof are in place for Customs approval. Implementation requires adherence to the stringent guidelines laid out by Customs, as well as a certainty and trust with the direct manufacturer, who will ultimately be revealing their manufactured cost. Playing a heavy role in implementation is sound documentation of the bona fide sale, which is enabled through verifiable electronic communications of sales contracts, purchase orders, shipping contracts, payments, and/or proofs of purchase. It is imperative to have full tracing and tracking proof of the purchase order placed directly with the First Sale manufacturer and proof that the product is destined for exportation, with supporting documents.
The First Sale initiation process can appear daunting, yet having a verified global trade compliance partner in place and the proper technical and legal infrastructure established, the practice opens an opportunity of significant savings for the importers who choose to take the path.

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New levels of disruption affecting the global trade limitations https://pblogisticsllc.com/new-levels-of-disruption-affecting-the-global-trade-limitations/ https://pblogisticsllc.com/new-levels-of-disruption-affecting-the-global-trade-limitations/#respond Wed, 12 Jan 2022 02:51:45 +0000 https://demo.cmssuperheroes.com/themeforest/primous/?p=121 Customers are increasingly demanding more supply chain transparency on ESG issues to allow better traceability and control for risk mitigation. They consider sustainability For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize

The post New levels of disruption affecting the global trade limitations appeared first on Pblogisticsllc.com.

For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize the compounded impact of increased tariffs. The First Sale Rule allows importers to use the price paid in the first, or earlier sale, as the basis for customs duty to be paid. Many importers purchase at the second sale, from a middleman vendor who serves as the go-between from the manufacturer to the importer.
This second sale is a marked up price. Paying duties on a lesser, first sale price, presents a tremendous savings opportunity, especially for the textiles and footwear industry, where apparel and sneakers are subject to higher duty rates.

To get started with, and execute, the First Sale rule, an importer must ensure all the proper checks and proof are in place for Customs approval. Implementation requires adherence to the stringent guidelines laid out by Customs, as well as a certainty and trust with the direct manufacturer, who will ultimately be revealing their manufactured cost. Playing a heavy role in implementation is sound documentation of the bona fide sale, which is enabled through verifiable electronic communications of sales contracts, purchase orders, shipping contracts, payments, and/or proofs of purchase. It is imperative to have full tracing and tracking proof of the purchase order placed directly with the First Sale manufacturer and proof that the product is destined for exportation, with supporting documents.
The First Sale initiation process can appear daunting, yet having a verified global trade compliance partner in place and the proper technical and legal infrastructure established, the practice opens an opportunity of significant savings for the importers who choose to take the path.

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#2 New levels of disruption affecting the global trade limitations https://pblogisticsllc.com/2-new-levels-of-disruption-affecting-the-global-trade-limitations/ https://pblogisticsllc.com/2-new-levels-of-disruption-affecting-the-global-trade-limitations/#respond Tue, 11 Jan 2022 10:43:36 +0000 https://demo.cmssuperheroes.com/themeforest/primous/?p=2072 Customers are increasingly demanding more supply chain transparency on ESG issues to allow better traceability and control for risk mitigation. They consider sustainability For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize

The post #2 New levels of disruption affecting the global trade limitations appeared first on Pblogisticsllc.com.

For importers, the First Sale Rule is one valuation strategy that can be used to lower the declared value of goods, and thus minimize the compounded impact of increased tariffs. The First Sale Rule allows importers to use the price paid in the first, or earlier sale, as the basis for customs duty to be paid. Many importers purchase at the second sale, from a middleman vendor who serves as the go-between from the manufacturer to the importer.
This second sale is a marked up price. Paying duties on a lesser, first sale price, presents a tremendous savings opportunity, especially for the textiles and footwear industry, where apparel and sneakers are subject to higher duty rates.

To get started with, and execute, the First Sale rule, an importer must ensure all the proper checks and proof are in place for Customs approval. Implementation requires adherence to the stringent guidelines laid out by Customs, as well as a certainty and trust with the direct manufacturer, who will ultimately be revealing their manufactured cost. Playing a heavy role in implementation is sound documentation of the bona fide sale, which is enabled through verifiable electronic communications of sales contracts, purchase orders, shipping contracts, payments, and/or proofs of purchase. It is imperative to have full tracing and tracking proof of the purchase order placed directly with the First Sale manufacturer and proof that the product is destined for exportation, with supporting documents.
The First Sale initiation process can appear daunting, yet having a verified global trade compliance partner in place and the proper technical and legal infrastructure established, the practice opens an opportunity of significant savings for the importers who choose to take the path.

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